Life is a challenge...ever since we were born, nothing is made easy 4 us...we had 2 go thru lots of difficulties 2 understand what life really means..whether it's meaningful, whether we've wasted it or no change...those are the boring life that makes people do stupid things 2 find happiness...they never knew that the real happiness is when we are being loved, and not just being loved, but being loved by Allah..the most merciful...the almighty...
this is another concept that people especially muslims had left out behind...we were busy with our job 2 get high salary,busy with our study 2 be the best student among the nation, but we forgot who gave us all those things...all the wealth,health and else...our God,Allah s.w.t. He gave us a brain 2 think, all those complex creation in our body..that's why we are the greatest creation..human...eventhough humans are known as the weakest creation compared to angels and devils..but still, Allah has His own reason to put humans as the 'khalifah' on earth...that's why we have to worship Allah the almighty 2 get his blessing, his taufiq & hidayah so that we won't get lost in this journey of life...
a simple example is my professional xm last has just ended last thursday(yea~), i can't really say it's hard but it's kinda hard..hehe...of course, who shall give u easy questions for medical student...i'm not one though, but still i have 2...well, life must go 0n not matter what...i was thinking how will i be able 2 get high scores when i was 2 busy during those days..(i didn't know i was busy doing what..hehe...) but when i think back, i began 2 realize, it's not 100% effort that counts, it's effort + prayers + tawakkal..insyaAllah...He'll give us what we deserve...all we got 2 do is anything from Him, and you'll be surprised...He shall always be there when u need Him...because He loved us...2 bad though 4 people who still didn't realize...and in this fight of life, we are able 2 choose whether we win, lose or draw..and i choose winning...because Islam always wins...
wallahualam...muhasabah diri for me and everybody who read this...syukran jazilan kasira...
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